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What to Bring

  • Medications (in original bottles with labels matching the medication form) turned into Stephanie. NO BAGGED AND SORTED MEDICATIONS.
  • Labeled Water Bottle
  • Bible
  • Sleeping Bag and Pillow (We sleep on bunks.)
  • Appropriate Pajamas
  • Towel x2 and Toiletries
  • Closed Toe Shoes
  • Clothes to Get Dirty In
  • Two Outfits per Day (Games/Free Time and Clean Clothes for Meals and Worship)
  • Warm Clothes (We will be out at night and there is always a chance of rain. It gets cold.)
  • Sunscreen
  • Cash for Souvenirs or the Snack Shop (open during free time)
The Avenue will provide evening snacks and water filling stations are plentiful. Wifi is spotty so board games are welcome, but please leave electronic games at home. Students are welcome to carry their phones, but we want our focus to be on Christ. If phones seem to be a source of drama, distraction or late nights, leader might hold on to them until the situation changes. If a student or parent requests, phones can be locked in a leader's car to keep them safe during the day. Parents will be provided with all leader contact information at the mandatory camp meeting and may reach out to us at any time.
NO weapons, fire, smoking devices, etc. You know what shouldn't be brought.
Note:  We are being hosted by Ponderosa and want to show them respect by following their dress code. Please be thoughtful in the length of clothing and avoid showing undergarments and torsos. This applies to both genders.




       9 and 10:30


When you come to our worship experience, you'll find friendly people ready to welcome you just as you are. 




Wear whatever clothes you’re comfortable in. We believe God cares more about our hearts than our clothes and you'll find everything from dresses to ripped jean.




We have guest parking available in the big lot on the East side of our building. There you'll see signage directing you to the entrance.


Our office is located on the west side of our building and open M-TH 9-4.


The music is contemporary, but the focus is always on God. The messages are practical, but always directly from the Bible. The people are friendly, but real in the sense that we are sinners needing God's grace, just like you.  




9:00 AM & 10:30 am


Nursery - 5th grade


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