3 years old - 5th Grade
AWANA meets each Thursday night during the school year and is for kids from ages 3 (potty trained) through 5th grade. The night includes an opening ceremony, Game time, Handbook time, snack time, Memory verse time, and large group time.
Throughout the year there are a number of very special “theme nights” such as Silly Sock night and Pajamas night where kids get extra goofy and have a great time.
As much fun as Awana is, this club is also about helping kids learn to truly follow Jesus. That’s why we incorporate many different service projects into the AWANA club year. Specific projects that benefit the local homeless shelter, the women’s crisis shelter, and the elderly and shut-ins help our kids see that following Jesus goes beyond just learning Bible verses.

Jeff and Becky Lytle, the Awana Commanders, have been married for 15 years and are blessed with four children and one granddaughter. They have been attending The Avenue for 12 years and have been serving in Awana for 11 years. They love to disciple kids and to teach them how to walk with Christ for life.